Thursday, January 16, 2014

Rotten Miracles

I snuggly sat on my parent’s couch, bowl of popcorn in hand while dressed in my favorite set of pajamas watching one of my favorite movies, The Princess Bride. The handsome hero (the man in black), Wesley, lay “mostly dead” on Miracle Max’s table, brought there by the revenge seeking Spaniard, Inigo and rhyming, whimsical giant, Fezzik. Inigo begins pressing the miracle worker to speed it up a little as they have a huge undertaking that evening…see they are going to storm the castle! Miracle Max replies, “Don’t rush me, Sonny. You rush a Miracle Man; you get rotten miracles.” Hilarious...ABSOLUTELY but then something else crept into my heart!

In the midst of my recent health concerns, it came to me…At times I’ve been trying to rush a miracle. I’ve been just as impatient as Inigo. I’ve been placing all my eggs in the basket of MY definition of a miracle. Do I believe the Father of Lights knows the desires of my heart and can grant it? NO DOUBT. Do I believe I am missing the point of this scary experience? Yes until NOW. You see I’ve missed a miracle already!

Miracles happen by faith in our lives every day. Every day! For we are in need of God's love and forgiveness in Christ, which overcomes every bit of sin's power in our lives, so that we can live in Him and be with Him forever. MIRACLE! The greatest miracle of our lives is repeated OVER and OVER again as God's Spirit lifts us up to Him and ASSURES us that we are His beloved, redeemed, and forgiven people in Christ. The greatest miracle of our lives is repeated OVER and OVER as we are STRENGTHENED in His forgiveness and desire to share His love and saving pardon with others - fearlessly, courageously, lovingly, and gladly.

In and through His grace, mercy, and love, our Father in Heaven performs the miracle of faith in our lives EVERY TIME we bow in reverence before Him. His miracle of faith occurs EVERY TIME we share God's love in Christ Jesus with lost sinners, and they come to repentance and faith. We experience God's great miracle of faith at work EVERY TIME we face the pounding seas, the blustery winds, and the hurricanes & typhoons of life, and God calms the seas, quiets the winds, and stills the storms, giving us life and hope. This is the miracle of faith that our Father performs EVERYDAY of our lives, as He keeps us in His loving arms and upholds us in the palm of His hand.

Psalm 77:14 states, “You are the God of great miracles! You demonstrate Your awesome power among the nations.”

There is NO need for me to rush the Miracle Maker…miracles are already happening! He continues to open my eyes to that fact! So, what about you? Do you need a miracle today? You can be sure that God will provide it.

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