Thursday, January 16, 2014

How Are You?

In the world of social work, you quickly see the dark and brokenness of this world. I sat behind my desk on a summer day when one of my young clients came in to see me. He flopped down in the chair beside me; his countenance plastered with pain. He let out a huge sigh while swiveling back and forth in the chair and staring at the floor.

“What’s the matter, kiddo? “ I responded, turning to face him.

Struggling to keep eye contact with me, he whispered, “Why do people ask ‘how are you?’ when they really don’t want to know your answer.”

I shared with him that it is “exceptionally hard” when people expect this informal dance of “I’m fine” then walk away. He buried his face in his hands and began crying. I knew he just needed to know that Someone cares. Too often these youth feel like their lives hold no significant worth. How very UNTRUE!

What about you? Have you grown weary of answering “I’m fine”? Do you wonder if anyone cares?

Psalms 37:23 answers us, “The Lord directs the steps of the Godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.”

The Lord cares about you and your life’s EVERY DETAIL! Yes, even the small stuff. He knows your every step; like a loving Father, He reaches His hand out for you to take as you walk this life’s journey. He realizes the battles we face every day against the good and evil of this world and patiently waits to hear our words through prayer. He seeks to send you His comfort and encouragement through regular blessings, big or small. You see, the Lord not only cares but also He loves you beyond human comprehension.

Charles Stanley offers these four truths of God’s Eternal Love, which I believe bare repeating and give us His certainty:

1. He created the world for us.
One of the reasons I enjoy traveling out west is because I can go into the wilderness where I don't see anything but what God created. He gave us oceans and beaches, mountains and snow, sunrises and sunsets, full moons and new moons, beautiful plants and animals.
Consider what an awesome sight this world was right after God created it, untainted by man. We tend to forget how majestic His earth really is, especially when houses, big buildings, cars, and pollution surround us at every turn. Sometimes spending a little time in nature is all we need to remind us of the Lord’s affection.

2. He chose us.
Jesus prayed: "Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world” (John 17:24). Scripture also teaches that God loved us before He ever created the earth (Eph. 1:4-5).

3. He died for us.
Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” On the cross, Jesus emptied Himself for our sake, pouring out His love so that we might be saved. He loved us then, and He loves us today—regardless of all our mistakes, sins, or struggles.

4. He cares for us.
God continually watches over us, providing our needs. He protects and guides us, and answers our prayers. The Lord may not always work in the time frame we expect, but if we’re faithful to wait on Him, He will always come through for us according to His will. The best way to learn about God’s deep concern for His children is to spend time reading Scripture and meditating on it through prayerful interaction with Him. If we devote ourselves to the Lord, we will discover that He is always caring toward us.

God cares about every detail of your life; you hold GREAT significance for His earthly & Heavenly Kingdoms. And He seeks to fill you with “abundant joy;” all you have to do is ask in His name (John 16:24).

I pray you know that God never wants you to give Him an “I’m fine” answer.

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