Thursday, January 16, 2014

Random Act of Kindness

One of my most favorite pieces of classical music is Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata.” It is an exquisite masterpiece filled with swelling crescendos that will bring tears to your eyes. What sparked this lovely piece of music was a blind girl that Beethoven had met. He was so moved that she could not witness the beauty around her; she had never seen colorful flowers, shades of leaves, or the simplest of white, fluffy clouds. Beethoven, who knew the sting of a lost sense, began to compose. Truly if she could not see the wondrous beauty of the world, he desired to place that splendor in music. He wanted her to KNOW beauty with her ears. This random act of kindness undoubtedly gave Beethoven’s friend a vivid illustration of life and joy, but it has also touched millions & millions of listeners throughout generations. ONE RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS!

Webster defines the word “kindness” as a gentle state of mind, one of good or benevolent quality; being considerate, helpful, loving, and/or affectionate.”

I also believe William Penn stated, “I expect to pass through life but ONCE. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again.”

Beethoven’s magnum opus and William’s verbosity got me thinking! Isn’t a random act of kindness…a moment of genuine compassion…OUR REACTION TO THE LOVE GOD HAS FOR US?! Through these sometimes undeserved demonstrations, are we not imitating God’s character?! The very essence of the word “kind” is synonymous with Jesus! And if the word Christian means Christ like, (if we are Christ-like) we will follow His example.

Colossians 3:17 (NIV) states, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

Too many times I have been guilty of letting my own busy schedule or plain selfishness stand in the way of completing ONE simple act…ONE DEED to match my words! I certainly believe this world could use some extra kindness. Don’t you?

I am astounded that at times I sincerely forget that a random act of kindness is ALWAYS followed by a kick back effect. Here’s an example of what I mean: I love buying coffee and hot chocolate for the Salvation Army Bell Ringers. I will do that all season long at random stores throughout Davenport and Bettendorf. But one bitter night, I ran into Wal-Mart just looking to pick up the normal dinner groceries when I felt that pull. The gal ringing the bell was shivering but smiling. I noticed she wasn’t wearing any hat, gloves, or scarf, and it was far too cold to be without anything shielding your skin. After placing money in the bucket, I handed her a large hot chocolate. I thanked her for her dedication then handed her a gray shopping bag containing a snowflake adorned hat, scarf, and glove set. Initially, I think she was expecting me to take the bag back… “No, it’s for you,” I replied. The joy that lit up her face was UNDESCRIBALE. Before I knew it, she shared with me how she had left an abusive relationship with her only daughter and was bell ringing to get money for Christmas. We both cried together standing outside of that Elmore Wal-Mart. Her reaction was FAR MORE than I deserve, yet God gave me this beautiful REVERSE BLESSING! Luke 6:38 (“Give, and it will be given you.”) was magnified that early November evening.

How often does an UNDESERVED BLESSING lead you in continuing to follow the Scripture? Ever chosen to “love your enemies”? If you do good only to those who are good to you, what credit is that to us or the Father? Everyone one does that! Yet I find it easier to love those who persecute me when I am walking in the Spirit of God and performing random acts of kindness! Yet again ONE SIMPLE ACT is teaching me MORE! Have you ever experienced that?

Now, I do NOT believe that we show kindness to benefit ourselves…that is not authentic. However, I am always AMAZED by what God shows us through ONE ACT…one split second of our time, talent, and/or resources. Just like the Moonlight Sonata, one act for God can touch lives for generations!

So I challenge myself and you, dear friends, to demonstrate Proverbs 3:27 (NIV), which tells us, “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in YOUR POWER TO ACT.”

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