Thursday, January 16, 2014

Awesome God!

Have you ever had something happen that is so bizarre that you have no explanations for it except the hand of God? Back when I was counseling homeless youth and families, I was driving home after finishing what we called “home visits” from our New Boston complex; earlier that day, I had to handle some pretty serious issues involving these clients. There had been some dishonesty, which is a big deal when it came to being a resident in these tightly structured programs. So I sought counsel from God on how to address these concerns, because we all are unfinished products who long for the Master’s touch. This conversation with God was amazing! I just really felt Him right beside me as I drove.
My vehicle at the time was an old Ford Taurus with a faulty gas gauge, which read empty ALWAYS. The only way to know how much gas was in the car was my keeping track of the mileage. However with the craziness of the day, the mileage had been forgotten. It would be necessary for me to stop and fill the tank. Not wanting to end this wonderful dialogue with the Lord, I decided to keep driving. The next thing that happened made my head spin. The gas gauge began to work. The Taurus gauge showed I had plenty of gas to get back to my special destination (home), which was 40 miles away. The gas gauge worked for THIS ONE TRIP then quit. I took the car to a mechanic, who informed me that gauge appeared to be disconnected for quite some time. He reestablished the connection only for me to find that the gauge still would not work…and never worked again.
Was there a natural explanation? I don’t think so, but many people would try to give me one or put in terms that are more comfortable to them. BUT WHEN GOD MAKES HIS PRESENCE KNOWN, HE REFUSES TO LET IT BE EXPLAINED AWAY! When in faithful prayer, Christians have awesome power from God. This power depends on God. Jesus said in Matthew 17:20, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you!” WE SERVE THE GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE; our part is to surrender in faith whatever concern, problem, issue, or plan then move aside.
Our success and purpose depends on Him, and He will NOT be explained away! Praise God for the strength we have in Him, Teens Among God, Family, & Friends!

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