Thursday, January 16, 2014

Oh Henry!!

ONLY one week into 2014 I find myself encountering my first New Year’s challenge. It begins as I warm up my car to pick Mark up from work. Sitting with my feet dangling out the door, I can tell something is off about the Montego. In the four years, I’ve had Henry (yes, I named the car…LOL) he’s never sounded like that. I proclaim to be no mechanic, but I was unsteady with his struggling purr.

I set to drive less than two miles for my pick up when Henry (my car) struggles to keep speed. I called my Mom to let her know that I think a belt snapped and asked if I could park him there since they were closer from my destination. In my mind, I could see either the serpentine or alternator belt flipping like a bad cartoon shade. Then suddenly BAM…Henry dies. I get him going…two feet later, he gives up the ghost again. This song and dance lasted three more times before pushing him out of the intersection and onto Welcome Way. I coast to Mom and Dad’s house then he lets out his final sigh.

On Wednesday, the Montego is towed to the shop; I patiently wait for the pending diagnosis and “medical” bill to follow. “A belt shouldn’t be that expensive?! I got this,” I think to myself. Then comes the call…“Belts are fine.” Whew, I breathe a sigh of relief…. “Engine’s blown.” WHAT?! Between ungodly cold and something malfunctioning in the oil transfer, Henry lacked proper blood flow, causing major damage to his mechanical heart.

So seven days into the New Year, I find myself needing a car; not exactly how I planned on starting 2014. I also found myself acting like the 8th minor prophet Habakkuk, asking God “but why?” I’ve also been throwing out the rest of the five W’s (who, when, what, & where) as well as how when it comes to recent talks with the Father. So it is no surprise that God drew me to this “unworked” book of the Bible.

Habakkuk (whose name means embrace or wrestle) comes to God with some pretty tough questions. Here’s a short list: If God is good, then why is there evil in the world? And if there has to be evil, then why do the evil prosper? What is God doing in the world? Wow, right?! And God in His infinite wisdom not only compassionately hears him but also answers. He charges Habakkuk to “live by faith.” Habakkuk 2:2-3 states, “Then the Lord answered me and said: ‘Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry’.” The answer is coming (appointed time); confidently (surely) wait for it (live by faith).

Throughout this journey, we may not understand what God is or is not doing in our lives, so questions begin to arise in us, and our faith dwindles. Then other times we receive the answer but not necessarily the response of our choosing. If your path seems a little jarring right now, know that God is stretching you…He’s calling you to LIVE BY FAITH.

Habakkuk’s poetic response shows that regardless of the “what if’s” and the “even though’s,” he knew God had a plan of deliverance. God would faithfully see him through, because of His sovereignty and His loving care. What he had to do was live by faith, for “ it (the answer/plan/vision) will surely come, it will not tarry.”

Where do you find yourself today? Are you questioning? Looking for an answer? I dare you to make your vision plain and write it down, for the God of all things makes the impossibe possible! Then choose to wait on Him and live by faith! He has brought us a mightily long way, and He loves us too much to leave us where we are…Your plan of deliverance is coming, just be still and know (Psalm 46:10).

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