Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pooter's Insight

The Bible states God created us physically in His own image, so I am convinced He created dogs in His own Divine, Spiritual image. There is no other creature that mimics the very nature of God than the way dogs do. I know that God placed “man’s best friend” on this earth to instruct us on how to live a Christian life. Undoubtedly, I KNOW my sweet Pooter (my sonshine) in his fourteen years of life taught me THREE major lessons that I want to share with you today.

Pooter taught me how to LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY…no stipulations, no strings attached. He never cared if I wore a suit with my hair done or jeans with a hat. My weight and my job status meant nothing to him. He had no rules or expectations on what I needed to do for him. He just loved me without end. When I walked through the door he greeted me with an unmatched excitement and a literal smile that made me feel overwhelmingly cared about and important. When I was crying, he would lick the tears off my face and refuse to leave my side. Now how amazing would our lives be if we loved each other the way our dogs love us?! If we demonstrated that GOD IS LOVE by word and deed.

My Yorkie was obsessed with paper…he loved napkins and paper towels. If you dropped one; it didn'r have a prayer! He would have it shredded in a million pieces in half a second flat. He redefined “paper trail.” But even after I scolded him for making such a huge mess, he immediately FORGAVE me. His little tail would start twitching, and right back in my lap he would sit...his brown eyes radiating love for me. Forgiveness can sometimes be the most difficult of all Jesus’ principles to apply. Our inability or unwillingness to forgive too often leaves scars and broken hearts for many people. But Pooter forgave effortlessly. We should also practice that natural, instant reaction of forgiveness as Christians!

Pooter never imposed judgment on anything or anyone for anything. How many times do I become upset over things I have no ability to change? At times, I believe we allow ourselves to struggle against reality when it is NOT needed. We give ourselves permission to formulate judgments that can make us sick and tired; it’s ridiculous. Pooter was CONTENT/NONJUDGMENTAL with every circumstance. Being diabetic for 13 years, receiving insulin shots twice a day, and having monthly glucose screenings never phased him. He was one of the happiest dogs you could have ever known. What about us? Why do allow situations and people define our attitudes? Pooter taught me to EMBRACE GOD’S PEACE and ACCEPT HIS CONTROL.

That little furry boy with his faithful, resilient spirit and golden heart has shown me it is NO coincidence that DOG is GOD spelled backwards. I miss you, Pooter William…Thank you for teaching me how to represent our Creator. 


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