Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What the Shrink says...

While earning my degree at Saint Ambrose University, I remember studying about a psychiatrist named Karl Menninger.  He was quite well known for his presentations and lectures about mental health.  Upon completing one of his talks, Dr. Menninger answered questions from the inquisitive audience.  Someone stood and inquired, “What do you advise if a person feels like a nervous breakdown is coming on?”
His educated reply would shock not only the audience but also me as I expected a new theory/treatment.  He responded, “Lock up your house, go across the railroad tracks, find somebody in need, and help that person.”
His words of counsel instantly draw up the Scripture, John 13:34 “Love one another…”  However, it also linked with my Bible reading this morning of Proverbs 28:27, which states:  Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to poverty will be cursed.”  When we are giving, we lack nothing!  How awesome is that?!  Lacking nothing means God can and does fill us with His heavenly peace and stability of mind.  Dr. Menninger prescribed a remedy that Jesus, the Wise Counselor, has already taught us. 
Getting our minds OFF ourselves can often be the best thing mentally we can do FOR ourselves.  God reveals to us the benefits and joys of loving others.  In the moments that we focus on others through His compassion, we drastically witness the ceasing of our spiraling negative thoughts and self focus.  It opens us up for HIS light to pour in and our lives to pour out!  I think this is why God called “loving” to be a commandment and not a suggestion.  Our Father’s requirement will not only bless those around us but also give us some much needed “warm fuzzies.” 
So I challenge you…If you’re feeling a little depressed, anxious, or scared, go out and love in/through His Name.  There is always someone who could use your smile, kind words, or hugs. 
I promise our Great Physician’s guidance and care for you will bring the most profound healing.  AMEN.

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